本文共 3199 字,大约阅读时间需要 10 分钟。
#include#include #include using namespace std;int main(){ ifstream in("aaa.txt"); for (string s; getline(in, s);) { int a, sum = 0; for (istringstream sin(s); sin >> a; sum += a); cout << sum << endl; } cin.get(); return 0;}
讲道理,该程序编得有些放肆。本该将istringstream sin(s)单独占一行,结果非但不然,还将sum+=a都缩到循环结构描述的步长部分中去了。这样一来,循环体便为空了,于是,for循环的描述部分后面加上分号便自成独立的语句,但它确实能够完成累计工作。作为单独的循环,最后的“;”还是不能忘记的!!因为程序小,所以可读性还不到受伤害的地步,请读者来见识一下着这种风格。
#include#include #include #include using namespace std;int main(){ ifstream in("123.txt"); string i_read; double d_number,sum = 0; while(getline(in,i_read)){ for(istringstream s(i_read);s >> d_number;sum += d_number){ cout << "double number is: " << d_number <
以下是文件 123.txt 中的实数1.23 2.21 3.123 1.21 2.2 .4 1.231 2 31.2 .1 .23
#include#include //istringstream 必须包含这个头文件#include using namespace std; int main(){ string str="i am a boy"; istringstream is(str); string s; while(is>>s) { cout< <
#include#include int main(){ // default constructor (input/output stream) std::stringstream buf1; buf1 << 7; int n = 0; buf1 >> n; std::cout << "buf1 = " << buf1.str() << " n = " << n << '\n'; // input stream std::istringstream inbuf("-10"); inbuf >> n; std::cout << "n = " << n << '\n'; // output stream in append mode (C++11) std::ostringstream buf2("test", std::ios_base::ate); buf2 << '1'; std::cout << buf2.str() << '\n';}
输出结果:buf1 = 7 n = 7n = -10test1
#include#include int main(){ int n; std::istringstream in; // could also use in("1 2") in.str("1 2"); in >> n; std::cout << "after reading the first int from \"1 2\", the int is " << n << ", str() = \"" << in.str() << "\"\n"; std::ostringstream out("1 2"); out << 3; std::cout << "after writing the int '3' to output stream \"1 2\"" << ", str() = \"" << out.str() << "\"\n"; std::ostringstream ate("1 2", std::ios_base::ate); ate << 3; std::cout << "after writing the int '3' to append stream \"1 2\"" << ", str() = \"" << ate.str() << "\"\n";}
after reading the first int from "1 2", the int is 1, str() = "1 2"after writing the int '3' to output stream "1 2", str() = "3 2"after writing the int '3' to append stream "1 2", str() = "1 23"
由于stringstream构造函数会特别消耗内存,似乎不打算主动释放内存(或许是为了提高效率),但如果你要在程序中用同一个流,反复读写大量的数据,将会造成大量的内存消耗,因些这时候,需要适时地清除一下缓冲 (用 stream.str("") )。